CVE Alert

CVE Alert allows Surface Managers to "subscribe" to a vulnerability-oriented Cyber Threat Intelligence feed based on declared technologies. 
The following use cases can thus be addressed:
  • monitor CVE impacting technologies that cannot be correctly detected by scanners (e.g., deliberately falsified or masked banners);

  • monitor CVE impacting non-Internet facing technologies (e.g., LAN);

  • monitor CVE impacting technologies chosen as part of a project right from the conception phase, in order to assess the future impact of this product on organisation’s security teams.


To Subscribe to a technology, the field is autocompleted and suggest the CPE that might match the search, user can also enter manually a CPE or modify the suggested one.

A few seconds after a CPE has been entered, it is possible to consult the list of CVE already known by clicking on the product’s line.

In the Admin panel, a new section allows the user to configure email notification (including its triggers and thresholds) about new detected vulnerabilities on his subscribed technologies. 

Emails are automatically sent :

  • daily at 5am (UTC), or

  • weekly on mondays, or

  • monthly on the 1st.