Embed your Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (VDP) in an iframe to be displayed on an existing webpage of your choice.
You must be a Business Unit Owner, Business Unit Manager, or Program Manager to set up an embedded VDP. Contact us for more information!
How to embed my VDP?
- Go to your Admin Panel/VDP.
- Click on Policy of the VDP your would like to embed. This will take you to the configuration panel.
If this is the first time you're creating a VDP, refer to this article to set up your domain. This includes DNS validation, certificate creation and deployment.
- Click on iframe in the top right corner of the configuration panel.
- Add the domain that will be authorized to display the VDP.
- Select the iframe domain from the dropdown list below. This should contain the domain previously set up.
- Finally, copy the generate code in your website page to display the VDP.
- This is what the VDP program looks like in your Admin Panel once configured: