Export report(s)

Export one, all or filtered reports in your prefered format

It is possible to export your vulnerability reports in different formats : CSV, XLS, JSON and PDF.

You can either export all the reports of a given program (see below) or a specific report from the "vulnerability center" part.

To export a specific report :

  • Open the report in the YesWeHack platform and click on the export button (top-right)

  • Choose the export format, the download will start automatically

To export all the reports of a given program :

  • Select the program in the "Business Unit & Programs" field and click on the export button (top-right)
  • Choose the export format
  • The export options will then open where you can decide to apply your filter or select a specific program
  • When the export is ready, you receive an email notification with a link to your export history.
  • Then, you can open/save your export from the exports history, by clicking on the file name.

Filters previously applied to your reports list (e.g. ‘Accepted’, Severity 'High') will also apply to the generated export.

Exports History :

For a given program, you can browse your export history and retrieve previously generated exports (up to 7 days).