Hunting Requirements

VPN, User-Agent and other testing pre-requisites

This section allows you to complete your program with details on how hunters should proceed when hunting on your scopes. Indeed, it is important to provide the most exhaustive and functional testing conditions to the hunters in accordance with the program's objectives.

When editing your program, you will see the section below:

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You will find 3 part in this section:

1/ VPN

You can check the VPN box if you want hunters to pass through YesWeHack’s VPN server to route towards your IPs.

Write the IPs corresponding to the scope of your Bug Bounty program in the ‘VPN rules’ so that we can generate the appropriate VPN configuration file for participating hunters.

2/ Account access

In this field, you can provide instructions and/or advice on how to get account(s) on your app or how to name the accounts created for hunting purpose.

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Moreover, you can describe any process or prerequisite hunters must complete in order to access your scopes.

3/ User agent

If you want hunters to append their User-Agent with a specific chain of characters, you can set it here. Don't use something which can be guessed, e.g. prefer « BugBounty/MYC0MP4N7-1337 » instead of "BugBountyYesWeHack"

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