Response templates

Standardize and facilitate your team's communications with hunters

Program/Hunters interactions are a big part of a Bug Bounty Program’s success. In order to make things easier, for both veterans and new comers, we offer a range of pre-written answers for most status changes (screenshot below) and the possibility to create and use your own response templates.

How does RESPONSE templates work ?

When you update a report (change status, comment, etc.), you can select a response template by clicking on ‘Select a template’ at the top of the comment text-field. The content of the selected template will be automatically loaded in the comment text-field.

Now you can edit your comment, personalize it, or just send it as it is.

What if I want to create my own templates ?

Go to 'Admin Panel' menu > 'Response Templates'.
From there you will be able to ‘Add a response template’, to edit and to delete your response templates.

Once created, you will find your response template in the ‘Select a template’ list.

Only Business Unit Managers and Business Unit Owners can create new templates, but any member of your organization can use it (except from user with a Viewer role).